First Angular 2 Class Completed

Today we finished teaching our first Angular 2 class. This was our “Early Start with Angular 2“, a special, preview two-day version of what will soon be a three-day class – or perhaps even longer. This was an “alpha” class, using alpha materials, covering an alpha product, but in spite of that it went well. More importantly, it gathered positive reviews from the students, several of whom commented that the class answered important questions they had and other questions they didn’t even know they had, about Angular 2.

Paul Spears and I (Kyle Cordes) taught this one –  In the coming months our other instructors will be getting up to speed on the new technology also.

Angular 2 is a considerable step upward in terms of learning curve compared to Angular 1. This is because it is built on more powerful abstractions and libraries, most notably RxJS / ReactiveX / RxNext. As always, if you’re looking for help learning or adopting Angular (1.x or 2) please contact us. We have two more Early Start classes, then after that we will teach the full three-day version.