Jira Jumble, a Test Data Generator for Jira

Update: Jira Jumble, and a wide range of Jira-related training and services, are now available through our sister company Expium.

At Oasis Digital, we teach a Jira class in which students learn hands-on how to build workflows, administer Jira, and overcome common challenges. While writing the course material, we realized that it is difficult to fully understand the features unless you have a significant amount of data in Jira: issues, projects, users, with important dates in a range of dates near the date of the class.

One obvious way to obtain this is to use or copy a real (“production”) Jira instance, but students are wisely hesitant, as are we, to bring up a copy of a production Jira instance (full of proprietary information) to use in class. Instead, we need to be able to generate a populated Jira instance with random but useful data. In the past there have been tools for this from Atlassian or other makers, but we found none of those tools are available for the current (as of 2014) Jira versions; and they had been packaged as Jira plug-ins for Jira Server, which means they cannot be installed into Jira Cloud (formerly called Jira OnDemand).

We solved this problem by creating Jira Jumble, a random data generator tool for Jira. We then realized that it would probably be helpful to many other people using or learning Jira so we made it available online. We expect to add additional features and enhancements over time based on the class needs and the feedback we receive.

JIRA Jumble  Test Data for JIRA

Please give it a try, we are eager to hear what people think of it.

As a reminder, this test data generator is intended to be used to populate a new, empty, throw away Jira instance for testing and learning. It works with both Jira Server and Jira Cloud. Do not import its data to your production Jira Server or Jira Cloud instance!

(photo credit)