Merge Queue Tools


In small projects, there are typically a few developers and a few branches underway. As those branches reach readiness, depending on the flow of the project each developer may merge their own branches, or a tech lead may merge on request. Or sometimes they pile up (in a queue, conceptually) for review and merge.

But in large teams working (either a large single project or a monorepo) there can be dozens/hundreds/thousands of developers creating branches all the time. Many teams have the practice of doing a modest or moderate amount of work per branch, resulting in a large number of branches that must be merged to move the work forward.

To be merged, a change (branch) needs to be at least conceptually on top of the current mainline (regardless of whether a merge-commit or rebase strategy is used), and tests/lint/build/etc must pass. As each merge happens, the baseline moves forward – so the next candidate sometimes can’t be accurately tested until that point. At scale, this becomes the limiting factor in system progress: If the tests take 1 hour, the maximum number of merges you can do per day can be as low as 24.

Long before that limit though, having humans perform each of these operations is impractical, so teams typically adopt an automated system to queue up proposed changes/branches for merge. The function is roughly:

  1. Developers submit a branch as ready for merge, into a queue; often mediated by a human review and approval process.
  2. Automated merge system keeps picking the top thing in the queue.
  3. Rebase it on the current mainline.
  4. Test, Lint, Build, etc.
  5. Hopefully, merge.
  6. Repeat.
  7. When a change fails to re-baseline / merge / test, notify the developers working on that branch, they will need to resolve either a syntactic or semantic merge conflict and resubmit.

Of course there are strategies to increase parallelism; the process remains conceptually serialized but practically parallelized.

  • Related or unrelated branches can be combined and tested + merged as a group.
  • Use a build system that has a great understanding of what subset must be re-tested for a given set of changes.
  • Pre-build each candidate on a recent baseline, to pre-populate a build cache; a well-crafted build process (with Bazel or other tools) can safely optimize away some of the rebuild-everything process.

Some Tools

Here are some of the available merge queue tools – but many organizations create an internal merge queue management system.

For now, use of an automated merge queue remains mostly a marker of large-team big-tech-co needs; over time I expect it to be a routine in-the-box tool almost as common as CI.

On-site is back – COVID-19 pandemic update

Last spring when the pandemic arrived, we quickly transitioned to 95% online operations, as detailed in our post at the time. Throughout, Oasis Digital has continued serving customers online/remotely, delivering results effectively albeit less conveniently. We have had no known workplace-spread illness.

Here is the United States, as of April 2021 the pandemic appears to be winding down quickly. Most of our team is vaccinated, our headquarters office is in full use, and client interest in on-site / in-person engagements has started to return.

Therefore, we are now scheduling on-site client engagements, of course with due care and precautions.

Our open-enrollment classes will gradually include in-person dates later in 2021.

(We are keenly aware that the pandemic is currently much worse in some other areas of the world.)

Full Stack Hiring – Apply Now

Update May 2021 – we hired 5+ developers in early 2021, and are now looking to hire 5+ more.

Oasis Digital is growing – maybe you should be on the team! We are again looking for more great developers. All the usual information is available on our careers page.

All the info is there of course, including a video with lots more about working here. Here are the key aspects:

  • The core of our team works at our headquarters in St. Louis MO – at least during non-pandemic times. But more of us also work around the USA (and a few around the world) on our customer projects.
  • We mostly hire full-time employees, with contractors for certain circumstances.
  • We hire at a wide range of levels; entry-level software developers eager to grow fast, through grizzled gurus who already have the deep understanding and experience our most critical customer needs.
  • No “take-home interview coding test”; rather we will program with you at the relevant stage of the hiring process to get to know each other, and see your abilities in action.
  • The most common key skill for new hires is Angular, React, or one of the other competing frameworks.
  • “Full stack” is best, though many new hires start in one layer of the stack (for example, in the browser, on the server) and learn the rest over time.
  • Please apply via our site linked above – that is machinery we use, resumes that arrive any other way tend to get lost.
  • Our hiring process is about the same as in this 2018 post.
  • Feel free to reach out by email (address at the lower right of our web site) and ask questions about the job, to figure out if you may want to apply.

Also, a bit about our philosophy of hiring:

  • Hiring is a marketing-like process, not a sales-like process. We aim to get the word out so that the right people find us.
  • Hiring is a collaborative process of looking for the best match, not a race or competition.
  • We hire people whose time is valuable, so we optimize for rapid assessment and understanding.

Blog posts can get stale. Our current hiring is always listed on our careers page!

Angular for Architects – preview/beta class, Jan 2021

First we worked for years on numerous enterprise Angular projects. Then we spent months organizing the knowledge of our experts. The result: Angular for Architects, now available from Oasis Digital.

This class is about both the coding aspects of Angular architecture, and also the decisions, patterns, costs, and constraints that drive architectural decisions.

Early access / Beta test class

To prepare and validate the curriculum for Angular for Architects, we are running a special beta-test version of the class. To show appreciation for attendees willing to jump in at this stage, the price is cut by half.

The first such Beta test is in January. Depending on how it goes we run a second “beta”, or proceed to standard pricing.

Who Should Attend?

  • Decision makers responsible for large or complex Angular projects
  • Angular tech leads and project managers
  • Application and system architects
  • Teams looking for a shared understanding of Angular architecture and practices

Thinking hard about a project launch

Here at Oasis Digital, we are always agile, and depending on the project needs, sometimes use Agile (in the “capital A” sense) processes extensively. Yet regardless of agility, iterations, steering, and so on, the planning and decisions made at the beginning (and in the early months) of a project often have profound and very difficult to change consequences later.

Therefore, while we would never argue for the straw-man Waterfall, we aim to think very hard about a project at the beginning.

Continue reading Thinking hard about a project launch

Querying without OR in Firestore


Here at Oasis Digital we have successfully used the Firebase Realtime Database, and more recently the (beta as of July 2018) Firebase Firestore. These similarly branded offerings have important feature differences, and the latter appears likely to be the recommended choice in the future.

Firestore is a globally scalable, fully managed, document oriented NoSQL database. It is suitable for a very small team to build an application which could then scale to a vast user base with very little system administration work; of course, there are feature trade-offs which enable these amazing properties. Notably, Firestore has important structural limits on the types of queries that can be performed. For example, it has no joins, no “OR” criteria, and limited range (inequality) queries. As I understand, these limitations are what make it possible to engineer Firestore operations to “cost” (and therefore be priced!) in proportion to the amount of data returned.

We recently implemented a Firestore application (with Angular, Angularfire2, and Firebase Functions) in which the query limitations initially were an obstacle; but we found solutions capable of producing great results nonetheless.

Querying workflow state

There are countless scenarios for querying a data store, of course. A simple, common such scenario is an application in which each “document” represents an entity that moves through a workflow over its lifespan. The problem domain doesn’t matter; but one common concrete example is order workflow in a e-commerce system. Such a workflow could look something like this:

New -> Verified -> Scheduled -> In progress -> Preparing -> Shipped -> Delivered -> Closed

Or more generally, think of a workflow feature as the movement of an entity through a series of states:

S1 -> S2 -> S3 -> S4

(In both examples I have drawn simple, linear flows – most of our production/customer software has workflows with looping, branching, and other complex considerations.)

In a system with workflow features, it is very common to need to query a group of entities which are in a certain state – and also very common to query the entities within a set of states. For example, a feature might tally or otherwise view “all orders that have not yet shipped”, which comprises 5 states in the example workflow above.

Firestore “schema” design

Given the absence of OR queries in Firestore, and the frequent need to query entities that are in one state OR another, how should we represent workflow state in a Firestore implementation?

With a traditional, relational database, the main driver of data modeling is to concisely represent the underlying data and ideally “make illegal states unrepresentable”. A representation oriented for this kind of database should follow one of the normal forms, mathematically justified decades ago.

With Firestore (as with most NoSQL data stores), data modeling has a different main driver. An application instead stores data in a way to enable whatever kinds of queries are needed, given the query capabilities. This potentially implies a significantly different data layout, although we often start with something similar to a traditional RDBMS schema then diverge as needed.

Keeping that in mind, show should we store “what state is this entity in?” in a document in Firestore?

Approach 1: Single state field

The simplest solution is one field to represent the state of the entity represented by a Firestore document. The data storage looks something like this:

state: ‘Scheduled’

Querying entities in a single state is trivial with such representation:

.where(‘state’, ‘==’, ‘Scheduled’)

Querying entities in several states requires running a separate query per state, then combining the results together in client code.

Unfortunately, this “combine results in client code” approach, though mentioned in the documentation, has unpleasant consequences. Consider a case where there are 500 entities in state S1, and 500 more entities and state S2, along with some other fields (perhaps “due date”) that ranks all of the entities. Then try to write a query (or pair of queries) to retrieve the 500 “soonest” entities that are in either of these two states:

.where(‘state’, ‘==’, ‘S1’).orderBy(‘dueDate’).limit(500);

.where(‘state’, ‘==’, ‘S2’).orderBy(‘dueDate’).limit(500);

(Your client code would combine the results, sort by due date, and discard all but the first 500 of the combined list.)

Unfortunately, this query now potentially “costs” twice as much, in both time and money, as it should; it may query up to 1000 documents only to discard 500 of them. Still, with this extra cost, time, and client-side query implementation, the single state field approach does work.

Approach 2: One field per state

With this next approach, entity state is represented by a set of flags, one for each state. Typical data could look something like this:

state: {
    New: false
    Verified: false
    Scheduled: true
    InProgress: false
    Preparing: false
    Shipped: false
    Delivered: false
    Closed: false

This is more verbose, but easy to understand and implement. Querying for a single state is as easy as before:

.where(‘state.Scheduled’, ‘==’, true)

At first glance, the limitation on OR queries appears to stymie a multiple-state query with this schema. However, with a bit of Boolean logic these OR operations can be swapped out for ANDs and NOTs in the right combination. Transform the desired OR of all the states you want to exclude – into a query which instead excludes all the states you want to exclude.

Continuing with the order-management example, imagine we want all of the orders in the first three states. The query looks something like this:

.where(‘state.InProgress', '==', false)

.where(‘state.Preparing', '==', false)

.where(‘state.Shipped', '==', false)

.where(‘state.Delivered', '==', false)

.where(‘state.Closed', '==', false)

This is simple to implement, mechanically. A bit of utility code could perform the correct set of WHERE operations, leaving application code straightforward.

How might this scale? This is an unknown – these are a lot of ANDs (especially for an entity with many states), which might need more Firestore indexes, or might stress Firestore query mechanism in unexpected ways, or might hit a limit on the number of allowable (or advisable) ANDs.

This is probably the best approach for a small number of states.

Approach 3: Combinatorial state fields

Given how well mathematical logic worked in the previous approach, what if we took it further? When writing an updated state of an entity/document, application code (utility code) could emit all of the combinations of states that include the current state. Concretely, consider the S1/S2/S3/S4 example. If an entity is in state S2, that could be represented like so:

state: {
    S1: false, // or omit the ‘false’ entries
    S2: true,
    S3: false,
    S4: false,
    S1_S2: true,
    S1_S3: false,
    S1_S4: false,
    S2_S3: true,
    S2_S4: true,
    S3_S4: false,
    S1_S2_S3: true,
    S1_S2_S4: true,
    S1_S3_S4: false,
    S2_S3_S4: false,
    // S1_S2_S3_S4 not necessary, would always be true

This approach pre-computes the answers to all possible queries of sets of states. Such a representation could be generated easily and consistently by utility code. Queries, again with the bit of utility code to generate them, can find all documents (entities) in any set of states with a single WHERE. For example, to look for all documents that are in state S2 or S3:

.where(‘state.S2_S3’, '==', true)

This will have efficient query characteristics, but could run into limitations around the number of allowable fields in a single Firestore document. Also, with Firestore there is an index for each of these fields, and each index increases the Firestore storage costs and makes document updates a bit slower.

Approach 4: Partial combinatorial state fields

This approach is like the previous approach, with one optimization: rather than pre-generate all of the possible combinations, instead only generate those combinations which enable queries the application actually performs. Typically an application will only use a a few handfuls of combinations of states that an application ever queries for – vastly fewer than the number of combinations of states – which as you may recall from math courses, involves factorials.

The obvious downside: if an application later needs to query a different combination of states, it must first update every document to add the new bit of data, or fall back to another approach.

Approach 5: State range with a numeric field

Up to this point, every approach would work with any kind of workflow, regardless of its linearity. But many applications have a primarily or entirely linear workflow – and that can be used to ease the query challenge. Consider a simple numerical indicator of the state:

state: 3 // entity is in state S3

This enables state “range” queries, like so:

.where(‘state’, '<=', 2) // Entities in state S1 or S2

.where(‘state’, '>=', 3) // Entities in state S3 or S4.

It’s also possible to query any contiguous range of states:

.where(‘state’, '>=', 2)

.where(‘state’, '<=', 3)

Unfortunately, this approach has a serious downside: a Firestore query can only do range queries on a single field. Therefore with this approach, it is impossible to query questions like “entities in state S2 or S3, ordered by due date, first 50”, because the single range query “slot” is used up by the state part of the query. Because of this obstacle, it’s hard to recommend this approach.

Approach 6: State range with boolean fields

Fortunately, there is another variation of the range idea that is quite workable. Use a flag for each state, marked as true if the entity is at or after that state. So for example, an entity at state S3 would be like so:

state: {
    S1: true,
    S2: true,
    S3: true,
    S4: false,

Each flag represents a range of states; as before, utility code could implement this representation generically and reliably. Conceptually, a single WHERE can find all entities before or after a point in the workflow. For example, these queries split the state space before/after the S2/S3 boundary:

.where(‘state.S3’, '==', false) // Entities in state S1 or S2

.where(‘state.S3’, '==', true) // Entities in state S3 or S4.

A pair of WHERE clauses (implicitly ANDed) can find all the entities in any contiguous range of states. For example, to find all entities in S2 or S3:

.where(‘state.S2’, '==', true)

.where(‘state.S4’, '==', false)

This approach both avoids an factorial expansion in the number of state variables, avoids major query complexity, and keeps the inequality-query “slot” available for other uses, and is therefore likely an excellent choice if states are mostly linear.

Conclusions and the future

For an application being implemented today on Firestore, which has workflow scenarios where the lack of OR queries is an obstacle, likely one of the above approaches will do a sufficient job. Looking forward to the future, it seems likely the Firestore team will find ways to expand the query capabilities without loss of performance – perhaps rendering these approaches obsolete.


Oasis Digital developer hiring process

Candidates keep asking: what is the process to be hired at Oasis Digital as a software developer?

Our process is solid, realistic, and strikes a good balance between speed and depth. Yet merely knowing what the process is, isn’t much competitive advantage, there’s no reason to keep it secret. Good results flow from the execution, not the checklist.

As of 2018, here is the typical Oasis Digital hiring “workflow”; sometimes it varies for special cases, people with whom we already have a substantial connection. It’s best to think of this as a kind of “funnel”. At each stage, we are looking for signs that the candidate would perform well and be great addition to our team – and trying to show strong candidates that we offer them an opportunity to thrive.

  1. Initial contact or awareness. Perhaps they see a job post somewhere, or someone refers them to us. Ideally they have a chance to watch a short video about the job and about working at Oasis Digital.  Usually we receive a resume (via a tracking system, like everyone else – so that we don’t lose track of any). Of those, some catch our eye. Those move on to…
  2. We have an initial, short conversation/interview about the candidate’s experience, current situation, what they’re looking for in their next job, qualifications, etc. We have this conversations over a video chat, to provide the candidate the maximum “bandwidth” opportunity to make a good impression about these things. A portion of the candidates move on to…
  3. A longer discussion. This discussion again is ideally over a video chat, and often involves more than one of us at Oasis Digital. If the candidate already happens to be in St. Louis, sometimes we meet in our office or over lunch; but video chat is actually “good enough” even for local candidates, and that sometimes can be scheduled more easily or promptly. Of these candidates, a portion move on to…
  4. Our real interview with a software development candidate is to spend time coding together. Ideally this is in-person in our office; although for an out-of-town candidate it’s possible to do this over a screen sharing session. We try to spend at least an hour on this, sometimes several. Working on some code together is by far the most effective way to understand where a candidate is in their development mastery. It is much more effective, and faster, than the sort of “take-home sample programming assignment” that has become popular in recent years. If this goes well and we are favorably impressed, a candidate might move on to…
  5. A deeper, more traditional “HR style” interview, where we talk about the candidate’s experiences, strengths, weaknesses, goals, and so on in depth. Will the person  the person strengthen our team, and reinforce our values? Are our benefits and compensation attractive? Can an agreeable salary be worked out? If all that goes well, the final stage is…
  6. There is a background check process; our customers often require that developers with access to their materials have a clean background check. Assuming nothing negative pops up…
  7. Successful hire – onboarding begins.

From writing all that, wow, it sounds like a lot! In the best case, it can be executed in a few days of elapsed time, although usually there is not such a rush. Our process is intended to be a less onerous time commitment for everyone involved – yet still provide ample opportunity to get to know each other – compared to what some larger companies go through.

Update (2021):

For many positions we’ve streamlined and improved even further from the 2018 description above. Our process focuses on seeing candidates in action. We hire on demonstrable technical proficiency or potential, not on the ability to endure lengthy traditional interview questioning. The process:

  • Job post and informational video provide candidates information before interviewing.
  • Interview 1: discuss some code, and the candidate codes a bit. 30 minutes or less.
  • Interview 2: discuss more code, candidate codes more. Discuss the job more. 30-45 minutes.
  • For some roles or candidates, additional interviews are needed.
  • Offer, hire, start.
  • Onboarding, learning boost, and mentorship process begins.

(Of course there is variance on the length and use of the interviews, depending on details of each position.)

Angular Boot Camp Unleashed

Oasis Digital is pleased to announce that…

we are publishing extensive example code that we use in Angular Boot Camp. This example code is available under an open source license (in case you want to grab a bit to use in a project), and is hosted on GitHub for easy browsing and instant editing on StackBlitz:

We’ve published 49 examples so far, with more coming. Why are we publishing this?

  • For students to peruse before class, to better understand what we teach.
  • For students to review after class, as a reminder of what they learned, and to grab code snippets.
  • To provide working, up to date, concise examples of Angular concepts for anyone in the community who needs them.

Here’s a one minute video showing just how easy it is to browse the examples, run them, and view/edit the code:

We have some FAQs also. If you are interested in learning Angular deeply, please consider our class, Angular Boot Camp.

Printable reports in a Node application

Imagine your shiny new web application, JavaScript from end to end (perhaps Node plus Angular/React/Vue/etc) offers a great set of features and a highly interactive user interface. Then a key decision-maker wanders by to praise the interactive features and ask where they click to obtain detailed printable reports like those generated by all the predecessor systems for the last few decades. Uhoh.

It turns out that report still matter, sometimes they land on paper, other times just as PDF files easily passed around without access to the original application. Here are our thoughts on how to effectively generate reports from a Node application. There are many options, but these are what we most commonly see and use.

1: Print the relevant application page

By far the simplest way to get a “report” from a web application is to use the browser’s built-in print capability. To “print a report”, the user navigates to where they see the data they wish to print, then they choose print in the browser. That’s it.

Many pages yield a somewhat poor report from that output by default, but a CSS media-query print stylesheet can rearrange things enough to produce passable results for simple cases. We recommend setting up such print stylesheets, and trying to print pages that have a report like nature, even if another reporting technique is also used – the ability to print a web page has been in browsers since nearly the beginning, and offers a low-cost way to get more value from the same application.

2: Headless-browser-based reporting

Printing an application page in the browser means being limited to whatever HTML is relevant to display in the browser, and further being subject to the vagaries of different browsers. Instead, it’s possible to reuse the same tools (HTML, templating, CSS) on the server to generate specific content for report printing.

To do this, choose any of the highly numerous node HTML templating systems, perform data access however you do so for application features, gather up the data for report, and emit the HTML/CSS. Then use a headless browser (on the server) to transform that HTML and CSS to a PDF, then make it available for the user to download.

This has some compelling advantages:

  • Familiar programming model – as a developer you use approximately the same tools for report output that you use for screen output
  • As a result, it’s easy to get started with relatively little to learn
  • Well suited to reports that generally feel like “documents”, such as dunning letter reports.


  • HTML, and therefore this approach, have little in the way of traditional reporting software features
  • Layout tooling for HTML is screen oriented, not report oriented

Implementations include:

3: Reporting library / API

There are Node libraries which offer an API generally suitable to create reports. Unlike the HTML approach, a reporting centric API will have features directly suited for report output, such as creating tabular data output aligned by decimal point, looping over data to put rows in such a table, and so on. This typically will be considerably more concise than HTML approach, because the API will be closer to the problem domain (the domain of “make a report”).

A notable disadvantage here is that the vocabulary of report such an API can produce tends to be much more limited. This is inherent in abstraction, the higher level an API, the easier it is to produce results, but the more constrained the results.

Implementations include:

4: Low-level PDF drawing API

Rather than a high-level API, and there are also low-level APIs available to programmatically create PDF files. A low-level API will have operations like “place text on the page with the following formatting” and “draw a line from coordinate to coordinate”. This low-level, full control means that any report or other output can be produced, but the coding effort to do so can be significant.

This approach typically makes sense only for cases with very specific reporting needs. It is too labor-intensive to create numerous reports this way.

Implementations include:

5: Call a traditional report tool

Lastly, reporting can be thought of as a separate subsystem, whose implementation need not be bound into the same platform as the rest of a system. With this approach, reporting functionality is generally omitted from the application backend, and instead implemented using an off-the-shelf report tool. There is a busy “enterprise” reporting tool market, with multiple very mature products. Costs vary widely, but these tools provide the kind of reporting experience developers may remember from years past: a visual report design surface, a way of interactively running and tweaking and drilling into a report, and so on.


  • Extensive layout possibilities
  • Visual layout tools, rather than code only
  • Report design can often be done by non-developers
  • The reporting solution may offer tools for managing and customizing a large library of reports, out-of-the-box


  • Separate subsystem, different tool for staff to learn
  • Deployment complexity, of deploying an additional product rather than only adding a library
  • Cost: some of these are very “enterprise” products, with prices to match

Implementations include:

Choosing an approach

The general trade-off among these approaches is that both cost and capability increase in roughly the order presented above. An acceptable CSS print-specific-stylesheet might yield acceptable results in a few minutes; a separate reporting subsystem, with a new tool stack to learn, could involve a team laboring for months. Oasis Digital has used each approach above (except the headless broader approach, as headless browsers just recently became popular) with excellent results.

Software Product Quality at Oasis Digital

A long-studied topic

Decades ago, business guru Philip Crosby famously defined quality as “conformance to requirements”. This definition seems useful in software development only to the extent every aspect of the software has been comprehensively understood and written down – rarely the case in real projects.

Fewer decades ago, software and consulting guru Gerald Weinberg slightly less famously wrote that “Quality is value to some person” – an insight more applicable to our context here at Oasis Digital, consultants and developers of custom software products. (Incidentally, to gain dense insight into software development and other topics in well-written tidy packages, read Weinberg’s books.)

Still, to point out that quality is whatever someone (typically a paying customer) says it is, doesn’t help all that much with a problem we face regularly.

I want a high quality software product, but what does that mean?

At Oasis Digital, customers often come to us with a vision, or partial written requirements, for a software product or system. Around this essential kernel, there are numerous possibly-implied desires or requirements, many related to quality.

What should an organization (or person) want, if they generally want a good, high quality product? We think of the answer to this as the implied requirements for high-quality software.Recently the team here started gathering a list of quality attributes (special thanks to Paul Spears for kicking this off on a whiteboard for all to see). Here is our checklist of desirable attributes, requirements, meta-requirements, and other aspects of quality or otherwise “good” software.

Quality checklist

The software we work on most often has both server-side and web/tablet/mobile UI, so our checklist contains a somewhat broad mix of topic areas.


  1. The software works “on the happy path”; it has all the specified desired features.
  2. The software handles numerous potential error conditions well; it fails gently, and visibly. It recovers, or fails clearly if it can’t.
  3. The software implements a workflow at least as friendly to users as envisioned; ideally even more so.
  4. The software augments, rather than consumes, human mental bandwidth while using it.
  5. The features are generally composable where appropriate. That is, when a pair or set of features are more valuable when used together, they can be used together and work as expected.
  6. The software conforms to legal or regulatory requirements to which the subject; achieving this often requires cooperation among developers, customer representatives, and sometimes experts in compliance. In some projects this may be a minor aspect, while in others it is a primary defining motivator.

Support and operations

  1. The software captures logs of events that go wrong (and generally also of things that go right); it does so in a manner suitable for aggregation and analysis, with generally well considered log levels, a machine-readable log format, and so on.
  2. The software has features suitable to help with support efforts; for example it shows what version of the software is in use, helpful error data is exposed (in log as well as, where possible, on screen) rather than discarded, etc.
  3. The software is operations-friendly. It has switches, features, or other attributes helpful for operations teams responsible for keeping the software working.
  4. The software does not forget facts to which it has been exposed; where technically feasible, it has an append-only, log-structured view of the world. This both supports debugging efforts and future not yet known requirements.

Appearance and behavior (UI/UX)

  1. The user interface conforms to some design system, its layout and appearance are not completely subjective and ad hoc, but follow some understood and well considered guidelines for appearance, layout, etc.
  2. Unless the software is either very large (with a large budget), or is an art piece (such as a game), it does not “go its own way” with an ad hoc design.
  3. The user interface is aesthetically pleasing, in the subjective sense. (To whom?)
  4. The user interface further has suitable animations or dynamic style behavior, suitable for its design system.
  5. The user interface is themeable; at least its colors, and possibly other aspects, can be adjusted to fit in coherently with other software that uses some defined color palette. The user interface code should therefore use appropriate color theme variables or similar mechanism, not be hardcoded to match a design system or ad hoc requests.
  6. The user interface is responsive; it makes reasonably good use of a wide range of screen sizes. It is not a fixed size for a single screen size, unless its target (embedded) deployment environment is similarly strictly limited.
  7. The user interface does not suffer the “keyhole problem”; when presenting the user with a significant amount of data, it makes good use of the display to show the user many options and useful context.
  8. To the extent of the user interface presents data in tabular form, the tables presents numeric and text content with suitable alignment.
  9. The user interface features the variable contents (data) and more prominently than fixed labeling; a well-chosen design system generally will achieve this goal out-of-the-box.

Operating / human environment

(As of this writing, most of the software we work on has a web user interface, and that shows in this checklist.)

  1. The software supports all current browsers, and possibly (depending on target deployment environment) one or more obsolete browsers as needed.
  2. The software has good accessibility characteristics, including testing with a screen reader or similar assistive technology.
  3. The user interface visually scales well in response to user font size overrides; it does not attempt to block the user from changing the font size, and its layout remains usable across a range of font sizes.
  4. The user interface contrast levels (as supported by the design system) are high enough to pass accessibility testing.
  5. Color is used effectively to maximize the speed of comprehension; but no information is ever presented only in the form of color, so that the software remains workable for users who don’t perceive color fully.
  6. The software is reasonably compatible with its platforms internationalization capabilities; and if needed, has been (or can be) suitably localized.

Performance and throughput

  1. The software has been tested, and works acceptably, with a realistic date volume. It is often necessary to obtain or generate test data of configurable size to verify this need has been met.
  2. Performance characteristics in error handling characteristics have been considered jointly; so that an occasional error does not completely halt the throughput capabilities of the software. It is possible to move past or set aside a failure case and continue meeting throughput expectations in the case of occasional error.


  1. The software is built on a platform or framework choices which have reasonably well considered security characteristics; the software cooperates with this platform in such a way to generally inherit those characteristics.

(Security could fill books, not one section of a single blog post. For a software product applied primarily to an internal, benign audience, the above is probably sufficient; but for software deployed to the open Internet, or in other cases where hostile actors are expected, appropriate much more substantial security design and implementation is needed.)

Development Process

  1. Intentionally chosen, considered process appropriate for the project
  2. Regular demos or other progress presentations to stakeholders
  3. Regular code review, before (not only after) code enters the mainline of development
  4. (of course many books could be and have been written on development process!)

Internal characteristics

It’s possible to write software which externally does everything it is required to do, but internally is a shambles. Some thinkers imagine that this is the timely and inexpensive way to create software. We have not found that to be the case. Rather, to achieve external quality without overwhelming cost, internal quality is vital. We strive to create reasonably good internal quality without being explicitly asked to do so. Internal quality characteristics often include:

  1. Consistent code style, applied automatically
  2. Linting, applied automatically
  3. Internal and cross project code reuse – general avoidance of duplication
  4. Architectural consistency across portions of a system
  5. Consistent use of suitable platform features; don’t reinvent the wheel, don’t blindly apply techniques from one platform to another

Making sense of Quality for a customer project

This list is long (and could grow much longer). Achieving these things may consume substantial time and effort. At the same time, software projects often arrive at our door already under schedule pressure. To manage this conundrum, we work with customers to consider this list as a default; a list of things that probably should be done, but which a customer might choose to skip some items for schedule or budget needs. For each aspect of quality, a certain amount of minimum attention is needed (and automatically applied by a high-quality software team), but beyond that there is a range of possibility subject to customer priority.


CSS grid with Angular and CLI – the time is now

Today, early December 2017, is the time to begin using CSS grid for layout in Angular applications, even if they must support Internet Explorer. We can stop enduring the costs and delays of old “float” based CSS layout, and get better results with less work, using CSS Grid – even with Internet Explorer support requirements – with caveats described below.

Take a look at a running example on the browser of your choice, including both modern browsers and IE11.


If you’re not familiar with CSS grid, the best source is Rachel Andrew, the global guru of CSS grid. Either read and all of her Grid content, or peruse the links below (thanks mostly to Bill Odom, our early CSS Grid cheerleader, for gathering these). Now is a good time to read and watch, I’ll wait.

Welcome back, CSS Grid fan. Of course the big problem with Grid today is that while support is excellent among current browsers, many users (especially paying, enterprise users) are still wallowing in Internet Explorer. IE has basic support for CSS Grid, but the support is for an older spec which has both fewer features and different syntax. The syntax is irritatingly different enough that manually maintaining both is prone to error.

Fortunately, the incredible Autoprefixer does a very good job, in version 7, of papering over the syntactic differences. In many cases the benefits of Grid can be obtained even without the newer semantics.

Yak shave

Unfortunately, Angular CLI (as of version 1.6.1, as I write this) uses Autoprefixer 6, and exposes no way to adjust Autoprefixer settings. This CLI issue tracker has many open issues, and it appears the team is closely focused on core application bundling and ergonomic considerations, so it’s hard to predict when CLI team attention could turn to issues like this.

Yet here at Oasis Digital, we are ready to use Grid today, and our customers are ready to deploy software today. Therefore, a series of workarounds is in order. To see them in action and in detail, visit this demo repository:

…and for an explanation, read on.

Upgrading Autoprefixer

To use version 7 in an Angular CLI app today, a way must be found to override the Autoprefixer dependency. The traditional answer to override dependencies and settings in CLI is to “eject” – but that is a big leap, not easily reversed, and not recommended. An application based on ejected CLI presents a greater maintenance burden for developers. Instead, we generally recommend sticking with CLI but applying whatever patches are needed at run time to get the right behavior.

Unfortunately as of late 2017, it is still unduly difficult to override dependencies with NPM; searches looking for the way to do it, lead in circles toward old NPM versions. Happily, Yarn can do it quite easily, as a first-class feature. Switch to Yarn, then add a section like this to the package.json file:

"resolutions": {
  "autoprefixer": "^7.2.3"

Turn on grid support

Next, Angular CLI does not yet provide a way to pass options to Autoprefixer, and using Grid requires turning the support on. To work past this, the venerable approach of “monkey patch in a postinstall script” solves the problem easily. The script content is essentially just:

sed -i.bak -e 's/autoprefixer()/autoprefixer({grid:true})/' \

This reaches into the relevant file inside the installed CLI code, and edits it in place. I think of this as a rough but necessary hack, to deliver value today, reaching ahead to the future when the tools will make the hack unnecessary.

Fortunately, between these two workarounds there are just a few lines of edit needed in a project. Study the repository above (especially the second commit in the commit history) to see the exact changes.

Conclusion and caveats

Of course there are caveats here, explained in depth by the Rachel Andrew page I linked above. The situation is not quite as severe as that page suggests though, because of what Autoprefixer does. With this setup, you can use today’s Grid syntax, but the subset of Grid semantics supported by IE. This means:

  • Use modern grid-column definitions etc., no need for the older “span” concept.
  • No “flow” in to grid cells – assign grid locations manually. Fortunately, for application layout Flow manual assignment is common anyway.
  • No “gaps” – leave an empty track instead. Easily done.
  • No grid-template-areas.
  • As always, remember to test on IE.

While these caveats are a bit frustrating (especially the lack of grid-template-area), this use of Grid is still an enormous improvement over legacy CSS approaches for many (or most) application screen layouts. With this approach, I see no further reason to wait to start using Grid broadly in Angular applications.

Future work

If the lack of grid-template-areas proves too frustrating, I may look at a similar approach to squeeze in support for postcss-grid-kiss; it provides syntax far beyond that offered by grid-template-areas, and also provides more semantics on IE through use of greater CSS contortions.