Our Summer 2015 Interns Enter the OnePlus Contest

In 2015 we completed our 5th year of a successful summer intern program. In this program high school students engage in an intensive 3 weeks of training followed by 7 weeks of working on a real software development project. You can learn more about the intern program at http://summer.oasisdigital.com. This year the team worked on a pro-bono exhibit project for the St. Louis Science Center.

The leader of the intern team for 2015, Maneesh Tewani, and I are both fans of OnePlus. OnePlus makes unconventional smartphones in that they are highly desired but can only be purchased if you are invited. A very idiosyncratic and unusual approach to marketing that is clearly working. OnePlus launched a new phone this summer, the OnePlus 2, and held a promotional contest to give out free phones and invitations for purchase. There were ten categories under which entries were accepted, one of them being a community service project.

We quickly pulled together the following video which garnered 3rd place in its class. We did receive an invite although we barely missed a free phone offered to the top two in each category. Enjoy the video.

Published by

Michael McNeil

The management principal of Oasis Digital, Michael McNeil drives our organizational priorities and manages our software teams. Michael is also critical to the user experience and UI design at Oasis Digital. Michael writes extensively and is very active in education and local government.