NgRx is 40x faster than your code – find out why

When I started using @ngrx/store to hold collections of information, I usually put the data into the store as a JavaScript array. It seemed to be the simplest and most appropriate data structure for the information. However, when @ngrx/entity came out, I saw that it used a different pattern – instead of using the array directly, it converts the array to two data structures; an array of ids and an object map keyed by those ids. Why did they do this? And is there a lesson we can learn for our own code?

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Transposing Rows and Columns in ag-grid

Real-world Angular applications often need to present tabular/grid data, and most grids make the most sense when presented with each column representing a certain type of data. For example, on a spreadsheet showing a pay schedule for a loan, the first column could be a date, the second column could be the interest accrued, the next could be the size of the payment, etc.

However, we sometimes need to show data in a transposed format, where the rows instead of the columns need to show a consistent data type. This is a rare case, which is why some major grid libraries like ag-grid don’t provide native support for the feature, but it’s still necessary.

Fortunately, ag-grid gives enough power to developers to be able to transpose data for display, and even to have features like renderers and editors apply by row instead of by column.

I’ve shared a small Angular app on GitHub that I’ll use to step through the process of transposing data. Think of it as a prototype for an app that shows names as they are translated in various languages (Matthew, Mateo, Matthäus, Матфей, etc). You can see the live-running app on StackBlitz, which shows the evolving grid on separate tabs.

Continue reading Transposing Rows and Columns in ag-grid

Writing a Generic Type-Safe ng-bootstrap NgbModal Launcher

For an Angular project for one of our clients, I’ve recently started using ng-bootstrap to implement standard modal dialogs in a ModalService. This service has methods to launch confirmation dialogs, input dialogs, message dialogs, etc; you can see a simplified version of this service on StackBlitz.

An addition to the reusable standard dialogs, we also needed to support custom one-off dialogs, and we wanted to use the same general approach, without adding a bunch of duplicate code. Most of the implementation was straight-forward, but adding type safety to the generic launcher was more interesting. Read below to see how interfaces from TypeScript and Angular made it easy.

Continue reading Writing a Generic Type-Safe ng-bootstrap NgbModal Launcher

ng-conf 2018

ng-conf 2018, one of the two “main events” of the Angular calendar, just wrapped up. As usual Oasis Digital was a sponsor, among more and more companies each year.

Perhaps the most interesting news from the conference came in the first few minutes: the main website (containing the documentation and other overall information about the framework) now receives 1.25 million unique visitors per month. Of course not all of these are Angular developers, on the other hand there are no doubt many Angular developers who visit the documentation quite rarely. Therefore it seems safe to assume there are at least 1.25 million Angular developers out there – the Angular user community is large and growing fast.

On a closer-to-home note, it is always rewarding to have numerous past students visit our booth, and to see numerous past private class customers visible at the conference as major Angular users.

For more on the technical content, please join us for our Angular Lunch user group meeting this week.